
The scope of this tutorial is to make your first authorizations with Canyan Rating and how to use this functionality with your own system. This method is used to get a response from the Rating Engine if the account has the ability to perform the desired transaction before even starting the transaction. A list of unauthorized reasons could be:

  • not found
  • not active
  • unreachable destination
  • too many running transactions
  • insufficient balance

Also if the destination account is handled by the Rating Engine there could be an unauthorized transaction regarding the limitations of the destination account.

There is an immediate response regarding the max available units the account can perform toward that destination and a prioritized list of carriers returned according to the account preferences, LCR etc.


The test environment should be set up and running successfully as described in Running Canyan Rating section. You should have a basic set of data populated in your Canyan Rating instance as described in the Inserting Data Tutorial. The following commands and requests relay on the same data inserted in the above tutorial. If you populated different data you should change the commands in this tutorial accordingly.

It is assumed that the API is running on localhost:8000 and the Agent on localhost:8080.


We will now send a request to the Agent component asking for authorization regarding an outbound call performed by our account 100.

curl "http://localhost:8080/graphql" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data @- <<EOF
{"query": "mutation {
        transaction_tag: \"transaction1\",
        account_tag: \"100\",
        source: \"sip:\",
        destination: \"39040123123\"
    ) {

We will use an unique tag for the transaction, will specify the account performing the call and will also specify the source of the call and the destination the account is trying to reach out to.


The response should be like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "data": {
    "authorization": { 
      "transaction_tag": "transaction1",
      "account_tag": "100",
      "authorized": True,
      "max_available_units": 300
      "balance": 100
      "carriers": "localhost:5061"

The Agent component is responding that for our transaction transaction1 the account 100 calling an Italian prefix is allowed to proceed and that the max available units for that call are 300 seconds. The actual balance the account has is 100 and the carrier it is supposed to use is carrier1 available on localhost:5061.